Pangandaran Tourist Map

Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011 0 komentar

For those tourists who do not understand the route of Pangandaran beach, you can use the following map to guide you to the beach pengandaran.

Pangandaran Beach - West Java - Indonesia's local favourite beach

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011 0 komentar

Pangandaran Beach is one of amazing natural beach located in the Village Pananjung West Java, Indonesia. This beach is one of the favourite for tourists in Indonesia, especially domestic tourists. Pangandaran beeach has crystal clear waters and still very clean, it's because the beach is always maintained and preserved by governments and officials who have been given the responsibility to local government to always clean up the beach environment.

Many resorts in Pangandaran already have the facilities to support tourism :

1. Rescue teams are always on guard around the beach
2. Hotels and restaurants
3. Jet ski
4. Marine park has a very stunning beauty

Facilities are provided to give satisfaction to the tourists. You can also enjoy surfing, but is recommended for those who have experienced it, it's because the waves big enough.

We'll keep posting other articles for Pangandaran Beach soon.

Senggigi Beach - Natural Beach in Lombok - Indonesia

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Senggigi is a very famous tourist destination in Indonesia. An natural and small size beach, very beautiful underwater scenery, you may never have imagined when you bask in Senggigi beach paced atmosphere and looked beautiful with the sunlight that warms your body, this is the feature of this beach.

The beach is located in Lombok, indonesia, and tourists can do as much snorkeling as the waves are not too large. Coral reefs of the coast is looming causing big waves break in the middle.

If one day you visit to Senggigi Beach, stop by observed Pura Batu Bolong, located about half an hour off the coast. You can also buy souvenirs in the shops near the beach. Usually souvenirs are paintings, woven cloth typical of Lombok.

Hotel facilities are also available there, and atmosphere of comfort of the hotel who were there ready to welcome you.

When you visit Bali,  Don't forget to visit Senggigi beach too. Other article about Senggigi beach of Lombok will come soon.

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